1 cosponsor.
“To clarify the authority of States to establish conditions for insurers to conduct the business of insurance within a State based on provision of information regarding Holocaust era insurance policies of the insurer and to establish a Federal cause of action for claims for payment of such insurance policies, and for other purposes.” Seeks to allow individual states greater access to legislate state affairs with insurance companies doing business in their states in order to obtain information regarding ‘Holocaust insurance era’ policies. This means, but is not limited to, life insurance policies that were in force between 1920 and 1945 and has a policy beneficiary, policy holder, or insured person who was killed in the holocaust. Gives U.S. district courts jurisdiction over such cases even when defendants are not residents of the court’s district. Lists 16 different insurance companies by name and includes any others who might have had financial dealings with holocaust victims. Any victim of the holocaust comes from the list of Jewish Holocaust survivors at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. or the list of those deceased and kept at Yad Vashem in its Hall of Names in Israel.
See also: companion measure H.R. 1905 on 5/1/03.