The resolution:
(1) “condemns any and all acts of violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories;
(2) expresses its heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the families of those who have died as a result of ongoing violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories;
(3) urges Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasir Arafat to do everything in his power to assist in arresting and turning over to the Israeli Government all known terrorists currently residing in the Palestinian territories;
(4) maintains its ongoing commitment to the Middle East peace process;
(5) urges both Israel and the Palestinian Authority to enter into an immediate permanent cease fire agreement and return to the negotiating table where differences and disagreements can be settled in a peaceful manner;
(6) expresses support for the Secretary of State on his current mission to the Middle East to seek peace and a community of coexistence; and
(7) urges the President to follow the Secretary of State's visit to the Middle East, when appropriate, with a mission of peace for the purpose of bringing Israelis and Palestinians together for continued peace negotiations.”
April 10, 2002
April 10, 2002
Referred to House (sub)committee