February 4, 2015
September 30, 2015
Became Public Law
This bill maintains existing appropriations for all federal programs and agencies from the end of FY 2015 on 9/30/15 through 12/11/15. For details about FY 2015 appropriations levels and their relation to Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East, see *H.R. 83 of 1/3/13 at congressionalmonitor.org. For further action on FY 2016 appropriations, see *H.R. 2250 of 5/12/15, which extended FY 2015 funding through 12/16/15, and *H.R. 2029 of 4/24/15, which was the vehicle for FY 2016 appropriations.
4 cosponsors (2D, 2R).
Last major action: 9/30/15 became public law (9/17/15 agreed to in Senate by unanimous consent; 2/10/15 passed in House by yea/nay vote, 414–0).