Deploring the misuse of the International Court of Justice by a majority of the United Nations General Assembly for a narrow political purpose, the willingness of the International Court of Justice to acquiesce in an effort likely to undermine...

July 13, 2004
July 15, 2004
Passed in House

62 cosponsors.

“Deploring the misuse of the International Court of Justice by a majority of the United Nations General Assembly for a narrow political purpose, the willingness of the International Court of Justice to acquiesce in an effort likely to undermine its reputation and interfere with a resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and for other purposes.”
Reaffirms the U.S. commitment to Israel’s security and its “inherent right to self-defense”; condemns the PA for failing to carry out its obligations under the Roadmap; calls on Palestinians and all states in and beyond the region to work together to fight terrorism and dismantle the terrorists’ infrastructure. It also deplores: the “misuse” of the ICJ by some members of the UNGA to advance the Palestinian position [concerning the construction of the wall]; and the 7/9/04 advisory opinion of the ICJ on the wall, “which seeks to infringe upon Israel’s right to self-defense.” States that the ruling will undermine the ICJ’s reputation and undermine a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; commends the president and secy. of state for “marshalling opposition” to the ICJ ruling. Calls on the international community to “reflect soberly” on: Israeli steps taken to minimize the burden of the wall on the Palestinians; the damage done to the ICJ, the UN, and average Israelis and Palestinians by interfering in the Roadmap process and a negotiated solution to the conflict.

See also: similar measures H. Con. Res. 371 on 2/26/04; S. Res. 408 on 7/20/04.

Passed in House 7/15/04 361-45-13.

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