Disapproving of the agreement transmitted to Congress by the President on 7/19/15, relating to the nuclear program of Iran

August 4, 2015
September 8, 2015
Referred to House (sub)committee

This resolution would disapprove the nuclear deal reached by Iran and the P5+1 on 7/14 and, under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (see *H.R. 1191 of 3/2/15), block U.S. implementation of that deal. Because disapproval in the House was all but certain, this resolution was not the main vehicle for congressional disapproval. Instead, senators contentiously debated their favored measure, H. J. Res. 61 of 7/23/15, failing to secure enough votes to reject the Iran nuclear agreement. See that measure for further action as well as the Updates in JPS 45 (1–2

12 cosponsors (12R).

Last major action: 9/8/15 referred to House Foreign Affairs, Financial Services, Judiciary, Oversight and Government Reform, and Ways and Means Comms.

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For more information, Click Here to visit this measure’s page at congress.gov.

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