Expressing the commitment of Congress to continue to make it a priority to fight anti-Semitism and to promote tolerance at home and abroad

May 14, 2008
May 14, 2008
Referred to House (sub)committee

16 cosponsors

The joint resolution states that it shall be the policy of the United States when evaluating its relationship with any foreign government to take into account whether that government supports, actively or passively, anti-Semitism. It also bars U.S. assistance for the 2009 Durban Review Conference and calls on the UN to condemn anti-Semitic comments made in the UN, to hold accountable any UN official or employee who makes such a statement, and to develop programs to combat anti-Semitism, including Holocaust denial. Anti-Semitism is defined in the resolution as: “Holocaust denial or trivialization and denial of the Jewish people's right to self-determination by claiming that the existence of the State of Israel is a manifestation of racism, requiring behavior of Israel not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation, using the symbols and images associated with classic anti-Semitism to characterize Israel or Israelis, or comparing Israeli policy with that of the Nazis.”

See also: related measure H.R. 5847 of 4/17/08 and H.R. 1361 of 7/22/08.

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