Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010

March 17, 2010
March 30, 2010
Became Public Law

This bill makes several amendments to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. During the Senate debate on the bill, two pertinent amendments were offered but did not pass and were not included in the final text:

S. Amdt. 3669, submitted on 3/24/10 by David Vitter (R-LA), no cosponsors.

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Seeks to permit U.S. pharmacists, pharmacies, and drug wholesalers to import certain prescription medications from several countries, specifically including Israel. See also: an identical measure S. 80 of 1/6/09 in JPS 155. Last major action: this amendment was ordered to lie on the table on 3/24/10 and was not considered by the Senate.

S. Amdt. 3690, submitted on 3/24/10 by Sam Brownback (R-KS), no cosponsors.

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Would revoke the president’s authority to waive the provision in the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 that requires the State Dept. to relocate the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Further, this amendment would withhold half the Dept. of State’s budget for building and maintaining its facilities abroad until the secy. of state certifies to Congress that the U.S. had officially opened its embassy in Jerusalem.

See also: related measures H. Res. 1191 of 3/18/10, H. Con. Res. 260 of 4/13/10, and H. Con. Res. 271 of 4/29/10.

Last major action: this amendment was ordered to lie on the table on 3/24/10 and was not considered by the Senate.

Last major action for H.R. 4872: became public law 111-152.

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