May 6, 2009
May 6, 2009
Referred to House (sub)committee
2 cosponsors.
Would declare that U.S. policy shall be to oppose the transfer of goods, services, or technology to Iran, Syria, or North Korea that could aid their efforts to mine or mill uranium ore, and to work with like-minded countries to restrict these transfers. Would amend the Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nonproliferation Act to require the president to submit a report to Congress identifying every foreign person who has transferred goods, services, or technology that could aid the uranium mining and milling efforts of these countries.
See also: related measures H.R. 485 of 1/13/09, H.R. 1206 of 2/26/09, S. 837 of 4/20/09, H.R. 1980 of 4/21/09, H.R. 3107 of 6/26/09, and S. 1416 of 7/8/09.