Iron Dome Support Act

March 13, 2013
March 13, 2013
Referred to House (sub)committee

This bill would authorize the president to assist Israel by procuring, maintaining, enhancing, and sustaining the Iron Dome missile defense system. Unlike the 2012 version of this bill (H.R. 4229 of 3/21/12), the current wording includes ‘enhancing,’ and adds language noting official Israeli statements of willingness to share the technology used to produce the Iron Dome system with the U.S.

On 1/24/13, Rep. Davis circulated a letter calling for cosponsors to this resolution. In it, she cited the Iron Dome’s oft-quoted 90% success rate.

Pro-Israel groups, including AIPAC and J Street, supported this bill.

87 cosponsors (50D, 38R).

See also: H.R. 4229 of 3/21/12, H.R. 2701 of 7/16/13, and H.R. 2717 of 7/17/13.

Last major action: 3/13/13 referred to House Cmte. on Foreign Affairs.


Michele Marie Bachmann(R-MN)Ron Barber(D-AZ)Gus Bilirakis(R-FL)Suzanne Bonamici(D-OR)Bruce Braley(D-IA)Jim Bridenstine(R-OK)Corrine Brown(D-FL)Michael Burgess(R-TX)Steve Chabot(R-OH)David Cicilline(D-RI)Chris Collins(R-NY)Gerry Connolly(D-VA)Joseph Crowley(D-)John Culberson(R-TX)Susan DelBene(D-WA)John Delaney(D-MD)Ted Deutch(D-FL)Eliot Engel(D-)Steven Fincher(R-TN)Randy Forbes(R-VA)Lois Frankel(D-FL)Trent Franks(R-AZ)Al Green(D-TX)Gene Green(D-TX)Morgan Griffith(R-VA)Michael Grimm(R-NY)Luis Gutierrez(D-IL)Colleen Hanabusa(D-HI)Andy Harris(R-MD)Vicky Hartzler(R-MO)Alcee Hastings(D-FL)Brian Higgins(D-)Rush Holt(D-NJ)Randy Hultgren(R-IL)Steve Israel(D-)Bill Johnson(R-OH)William Keating(D-MA)Derek Kilmer(D-WA)Pete King(R-)Adam Kinzinger(R-IL)John Kline(R-MN)Douglas Lamborn(R-CO)Leonard Lance(R-NJ)Robert Latta(R-OH)Barbara Lee(D-CA)Sander Levin(D-MI)Nita Lowey(D-)Edward Markey(D-MA)Carolyn McCarthy(D-)Michael McCaul(R-TX)Jim McDermott(D-WA)James McGovern(D-MA)Mark Meadows(R-NC)Grace Meng(D-NY)Luke Messer(R-IN)Jeff Miller(R-FL)Mick Mulvaney(R-SC)Pete Olson(R-TX)Gary Peters(D-MI)Scott Peters(D-CA)Pedro Pierluisi(D-PR)Tom Price(R-GA)Ileana Ros-Lehtinen(R-FL)Peter Roskam(R-IL)Tim Ryan(D-OH)Jan Schakowsky(D-IL)Adam Schiff(D-CA)Brad Schneider(D-IL)Aaron Schock(R-IL)Allyson Schwartz(D-PA)Brad Sherman(D-CA)Adam Smith(D-WA)Eric Swalwell(D-CA)Patrick Tiberi(R-OH)Paul Tonko(D-NY)Chris Van Hollen(D-MD)Juan Vargas(D-CA)Marc Veasey(D-TX)Debbie Wasserman-Shultz(D-FL)Henry Waxman(D-CA)Randy K. Weber(R-TX)Kevin Yoder(R-KS)Don Young(R-AK)

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