No cosponsors
In its report on the bill the Senate Committee on Armed Services recommended an increase of $25 m. over President Obama’s funding request to continue development of the David’s Sling short-range ballistic missile defense system for Israel. The committee cited the need to accelerate development of David’s Sling in the face of the increased threat from short-range missiles fired by Hizballah.
Would require the secy. of defense to submit a report to Congress detailing any assistance provided by Venezuela to any terrorist organization. The report would focus on four ‘Terrorist Organizations of Particular Interest’: Hamas, Hizballah, the National Liberation Army (ELN), and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC).
See also: similar measures H.R. 5136 of 4/26/10, S. 3455 of 6/4/10, and H.R. 6523 of 12/15/10; and related measures H.R. 4436 of 1/13/10, H.R. 5327 of 5/18/10, S. 3451 of 5/27/10, H. Res. 1532 of 7/15/10, S. 3676 of 7/29/10, and H.R. 6296 of 9/29/10.
Last major action: 12/9/10 motion to invoke cloture and end a filibuster defeated in Senate 57-40.