83 cosponsors.
Seeks to maintain existing U.S. restrictions against Syria until the President certifies that Syria has: ceased support for terrorism including “training, harboring, supplying, financing, or supporting in any way… Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Fatah al-Intifada, or Fatah al-Islam”; dismantled its nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs and commits to combat their proliferation; respects the boundaries, sovereignty, and right to exist of all neighboring countries; and upholds the human rights and civil liberties of its citizens. Finds that the facility bombed by Israel on 9/6/07 was a nuclear reactor designed to create plutonium for use in nuclear weapons. Would impose further trade, assistance, admissions, and military sanctions on persons or countries that invest more than $5 m. in the Syrian petroleum industry, or that transfer goods or technology to assist Syrian nuclear, biological, chemical, or advanced conventional weapons programs. Would prohibit any nuclear cooperation agreement between the United States and any country assisting the nuclear program of Syria. Would direct the President to take diplomatic measures to isolate the Syrian government and declare U.S. policy to be to provide assistance to support a democratic transition in Syria.
See also: related measures H.R. 485 on 1/13/09, S. 837 of 4/20/09, H.R. 1980 of 4/21/09, H.R. 2290 of 5/6/09, H.R. 2375 of 5/12/09, H.R. 3107 of 6/26/09, S. 1416 of 7/8/09, and H. Res. 872 of 10/27/09.