1 cosponsor
Would reaffirm that Jerusalem ‘is and should continue to be the undivided capital of the State of Israel,’ call upon the president to implement the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, encourage the President to urge governments of other countries to recognize Israel’s right to exist with Jerusalem as its undivided capital, and urges the State Dept. to spend no money on the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv unless a proportionate amount is spent to construct an embassy in Jerusalem.
See also: similar measure H. Con. Res. 5 of 1/5/11
More on relocating the U.S. embassy: H.R. 1006 of 3/10/11, H.R. 2583 of 7/19/11, S. 1622 of 9/23/11; and S. Amdt. 1137 to S. 1867 of 11/15/11
Restricting official U.S. contact with the PA in Jerusalem: H.R. 1473 of 4/11/11, H.R. 2055 of 5/31/11, S. 1601 of 9/22/11, and H.R. 3671 of 12/14/11