44 cosponsors
Demands that Hamas immediately suspend all al-Aqsa TV programming that “incites hatred, violence, and anti-Semitism toward Israel,” recognize Israel’s right to exist, renounce the use of violence and terrorism as political goals, and accept all past peace agreements with the State of Israel. Calls on all Arab states that own shares in Arabsat, particularly Saudi Arabia, to cease broadcasts by Palestinian (Hamas) al-Aqsa TV and Lebanon’s (Hizballah) al-Manar TV. Calls on Egypt, which owns Nilesat, to cease broadcasts by al-Rafidayn TV (Iraq) and al-Manar TV; calls on the owners of Eutelsat and the Government of France (which legislates what may be broadcast on French-based satellites) to cease broadcasts by al-Aqsa TV. Urges the president to consider designating as SDGTs satellite providers that knowingly and willingly contract with stations designated as SDGTs to broadcast their channels, or to consider implementing other punitive measures against them. Calls on the president to take into consideration state sponsorship of anti-American incitement to violence when determining relations with, and assistance to, regional states. Urges all governments and private investors who in any way influence decisions about satellite transmissions to oppose transmissions of telecasts by al-Aqsa TV, al-Manar TV, al-Rafidayn TV, or any other “terrorist-owned and -operated” stations that broadcast “anti-American, anti-Western, anti-Israeli, and anti-Semitic” messages and “openly incite their audiences to commit acts of terrorism.”
See also: similar measure H. Res. 1308 of 6/26/08.
Passed in House 409–1.