April 12, 2011
April 12, 2011
Referred to House (sub)committee
32 cosponsors
Citing Judge Richard Goldstone’s 4/1/11 editorial in the Washington Post where he state that he no longer believed Israel intentionally targeted civilians during Operation Cast Lead, this resolution would state the sense of Congress that ‘evidence is available that undoubtedly nullifies the most controversial aspects of the Goldstone Report.’
See also: companion measure S. 923 of 5/9/11
More on:
Cutting UN funding over Goldstone: H.R. 2829 of 8/30/11 and S. 1848 of 11/10/11
Rescinding the report after Goldstone’s mea culpa: S. Res. 138 of 4/8/11, H. Res. 232 of 4/15/11