1 cosponsor
Would require the president to determine whether or not the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) has conducted financial transactions which aided Iran in acquiring nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, ballistic missiles, or supported the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. If so, he would be required to immediately prohibit any foreign financial institution which has knowingly conducted any financial transaction with the CBI from conducting any business in the U.S. The president would also be required to freeze all assets held by these financial institutions. The central banks of foreign governments are specifically included.
More on:
Sanctions on Iran’s financial sector: H.R. 740 of 2/16/11, S. 366 of 2/16/11, H.R. 1540 of 4/14/11, H.R. 1905 of 5/13/11, S. 1048 of 5/23/11, S. Amdt. 1414 to S. 1867 of 11/15/11, H.R. 3508 of 11/22/11
Further Iran sanctions: H.R. 1655 of 4/15/11, H.R. 2105 of 6/3/11, S. 1496 of 8/2/11, H.R. 2998 of 9/21/11 and S. 1619 of 9/22/11 on further Iran sanctions.