Expressing the sense of Congress relating to extending the interim agreement with the Government of Iran regarding its nuclear program

July 23, 2014
July 23, 2014
Referred to House (sub)committee

Introduced days after representatives of Iran and the P5+1 agreed on a 4-month extension to negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program, this resolution would express concern about ‘Iran’s unwillingness’ to make concessions and reaffirm the U.S. interest in Israel’s survival, as well as urge the president to support the universal rights and freedoms of the Iranian people and prevent Iran’s support for terrorist organizations, including Hizballah and Hamas.

9 cosponsors (8R, 1D).

See also: H.R. 4967 of 6/25/14 and S. 2650 of 7/23/14.

Last major action: 7/23/14 Referred to the House Comm. on Foreign Affairs.

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