Consolidated appropriations bill that includes Dept. of State and Foreign Operations, FY 2004 Legislation Number: H.R.2673 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2003sponsor: Henry Bonilla
Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY2004-2005 Legislation Number: H.R.1950 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2003sponsor: Henry Hyde
U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 Legislation Number: H.R.1591 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2007sponsor: David Obey
Recognizing Jewish refugees from Arab countries, resettling Palestinian refugees Legislation Number: H.CON.RES.311 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2003sponsor: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Prohibit U.S. funds for the PA Legislation Number: S.2432 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2002sponsor: Bob Smith
Expressing the sense of Congress that the United Nations should take immediate steps to improve the transparency and accountability of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) in the Near East to ensure that it... Legislation Number: H.CON.RES.29 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2009sponsor: Steve Rothman
To amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to assist Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Gaza to move to post-refugee status, and for other purposes Legislation Number: H.R.5278 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2006sponsor: Mark Kirk
To reform the United Nations, and for other purposes Legislation Number: S.1394 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2005sponsor: Gordon Smith
United Nations Reform Act of 2005 Legislation Number: H.R.2745 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2005sponsor: Henry Hyde