January 25, 2011
March 9, 2011
Held at House desk
14 cosponsors
This bill would make several changes to U.S. patent law. While the bill itself is unrelated to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one relevant amendment was submitted:
S. Amdt. 135 to S. 23, submitted by Susan Collins (R-ME) with 2 cosponsors.
Would insert the text of an appropriations bill for the Dept. of Defense which included $415,115,000 for missile defense systems for Israel. This amendment was ordered to lie on the table on 3/2/11 and was not considered by the Senate. See also H.R. 1 of 2/11/11, S. Amdt. 248 to S. 493 of 3/4/11, and H.R. 1473 of 4/11/11 for more on FY 2011 funding for Israeli missile defense systems.
Last major action for S. 23: 3/9/11 held at House desk (3/8/11 passed in Senate 95-5).