American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act of 2015

November 17, 2015
January 20, 2016
Cloture on the measure not invoked

Like the similarly named H.R. 3999 of 11/16/15, this bill was introduced in the wake of the ISIS-affiliated attacks in Paris on 11/13/15 to curtail or block the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the U.S. Specifically, it would require the DHS and FBI to: conduct background checks on each Syrian or Iraqi refugee applying for admission to the U.S., and only allow admission if the DHS, FBI, and director of national intelligence could certify that each individual had ‘received a background investigation that is sufficient to determine whether the covered alien is a threat to the security of the U.S.’; report to Congress every month on how many certifications had been made and how many refugees had been rejected; and conduct annual reviews on all certifications.

On 11/18/15, Pres. Obama said he would veto this bill.

103 cosponsors (102R, 1D).

Last major action: 1/20/16 Cloture motion not invoked by yea/nay vote, 55–43 (11/19/15 passed in House by yea/nay vote, 289–137).


Ralph Abraham(R-LA)Brad Ashford(D-NE)Andy Barr(R-KY)Joe Barton(R-TX)Daniel Benishek(R-MI)Gus Bilirakis(R-FL)Mike Bishop(R-MI)Diane Black(R-TN)Mike Bost(R-IL)Charles Jr Boustany(R-LA)Kevin Brady(R-TX)Larry Bucshon(R-IN)Michael Burgess(R-TX)Ken Calvert(R-CA)Buddy Carter(R-GA)John Carter(R-TX)Steve Chabot(R-OH)Curt Clawson(R-FL)Chris Collins(R-NY)Barbara Comstock(R-VA)Mike Conaway(R-TX)Ryan Costello(R-PA)Bud Cramer(D-AL)Ander Crenshaw(R-FL)John Culberson(R-TX)Scott DesJarlais(R-TN)Renee Ellmers(R-NC)Tom Emmer(R-MN)Blake Farenthold(R-TX)Michael Fitzpatrick(R-PA)Chuck Fleischmann(R-TN)Bill Flores(R-TX)Randy Forbes(R-VA)Rodney Frelinghuysen(R-NJ)Bob Gibbs(R-OH)Chris Gibson(R-NY)Bob Goodlatte(R-VA)Trey Gowdy(R-SC)Kay Granger(R-TX)Sam Graves(R -MO)Garret Graves(R-LA)Glenn S. Grothman(R-WI)Frank Guinta(R-NH)Brett Guthrie(R-)Gregg Harper(R-MS)Vicky Hartzler(R-MO)Jeb Hensarling(R-TX)French Hill(R-AR)George Holding(R-NC)Richard Hudson(R-NC)Evan Jenkins(R-WV)Bill Johnson(R-OH)John Kline(R-MN)Doug LaMalfa(R-CA)Douglas Lamborn(R-CO)Leonard Lance(R-NJ)Billy Long(R-MO)Barry Loudermilk(R-GA)Blaine Luetkemeyer(R-MO)Mark Meadows(R-NC)Patrick Meehan(R-PA)Luke Messer(R-IN)John Mica(R-FL)Jeff Miller(R-FL)Markwayne Mullin(R-OK)Randy Neugebauer(R-TX)Dan Newhouse(R-WA)Kristi Noem(R-SD)Devin Gerald Nunes(R-CA)Pete Olson(R-TX)Steven Palazzo(R-MS)Robert Pittenger(R-NC)Joe Pitts(R-PA)Ted Poe(R-TX)Mike Pompeo(R-KS)John Lee Ratcliffe(R-TX)Tom Reed(R-NY)Tom Rooney(R-FL)Peter Roskam(R-IL)David Rouzer(R-NC)Ed Royce(R-CA)Mark Sanford(R-SC)Pete Sessions(R-TX)John Shimkus(R-IL)Bill Shuster(R-PA)Adrian Smith(R-NE)Steve Stivers(R-OH)Mac Thornberry(R-TX)Scott Tipton(R-CO)Michael Turner(R-OH)David Valadao(R-CA)Ann Wagner(R-MO)Mark Walker(R-NC)Jackie Walorski(R-IN)Randy K. Weber(R-TX)Bruce Westerman(R-AR)Roger Williams(R-TX)Joe Wilson(R-SC)Robert Wittman(R-VA)Steve Womack(R-AR)Rob Woodall(R-GA)Lee Zeldin(R-NY)Ryan K. Zinke(R-MT)

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