Provides Israel with $2.5 b.: $120 m. in Economic Support Funds in cash and full payment after 30 days; $40 m. for Migration and Refugee Assistance to resettle immigrants from Eastern Europe and Russia; conditions U.S. funding to the IAEA on Israel’s free access to the agency; conditions U.S. contribution to the ICRC on free access to the Committee for Israel’s Magen David Adom Society; $2.34 b. in foreign military financing to be disbursed in 30 days, of which $610 m. for procurement of defense articles in Israel; allows for commercial leasing of military equipment to Israel; urges the administration to consider the Arab boycott of Israel in decisions concerning weapons sales to countries participating in the boycott; and urges the president to encourage allies to penalize businesses that participate in the boycott. The bill also prohibits funds for the PLO in the West Bank and Gaza unless a national security waiver is given by the president; prohibits Economic Support Funds for the West Bank and Gaza; prohibits funds for building any new U.S. government department or agency in Jerusalem that will deal with the PA; and prohibits funds to support a Palestinian state unless the PA government is democratically elected, dismantles terrorist infrastructure, cooperates with Israeli security forces, and promotes peaceful coexistence with Israel. It also prohibits funds to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation.
Related measures: H. R. 3057 on 6/24/05 for foreign operations appropriations bill FY2006.
Placed on Senate legislative calendar 7/10/06.