Commending the results of the January 9, 2005, Palestinian Presidential Elections

February 1, 2005
February 1, 2005
Passed in Senate

8 cosponsors.

Recognizes the election of Mr. Mahmoud Abbas as President of the Palestinian Authority as a milestone in the development of Palestinian democracy and congratulates President Abbas on his election.

Commends the efforts of the Israeli Government to facilitate the election.

Urges: (1) President Abbas and the new Palestinian leadership to abide by its commitments to reform the security services, establish the rule of law, and continue the development of democratic institutions; and (2) President Abbas to move quickly to honor his pledges to halt violence and incitement against Israel, dismantle terrorist organizations, and fulfill the Palestinian Authority's obligations under the Roadmap.

Supports efforts to increase U.S. assistance to the Palestinian people and to help President Abbas rebuild and reform the Palestinian Authority's institutions.

Urges all members of the international community, particularly all parties to the Roadmap, to take advantage of this historic opportunity by assisting the new Palestinian Government to implement the Roadmap, establish a democratic state, improve the lives of the Palestinian people.

Calls upon Arab states to provide support to the Palestinian Authority, extend full recognition to Israel, and support an end to anti-Israel incitement and terrorism.

Reaffirms the U.S. commitment to the security of Israel and the Roadmap.

Related measures: H. Res. 56 2/1/05.

Passed in Senate by unanimous consent 2/1/05.

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