Condemning the "terrorism" inflicted on Israel

June 24, 2003
June 25, 2003
Passed in House

20 cosponsors.

Cites the lack of possibility in negotiating with “terrorists” and a rejection of the concept ‘cycle of violence’ in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, “which implies moral equivalence between the terrorists and their victims. . . [and] since Palestinian terrorism justifies Israeli counterterrorist operations as the response of a legitimate government defending its citizens.” Expresses sympathy for innocent Israelis and Palestinians who have lost their lives, commends two-state solution as outlined by President George W. Bush, recognizes “Israel’s fight against terrorism as part of the global war against terrorism,” calls on all states to support the PA in its fight against terror and to help Palestinians “in creating the institutions of a democratic state.”

Passed in House 6/25/03 395-5-7.

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