8 cosponsors
One whereas clause cites Pres. Obama as having ‘inexplicably stated that Israel must withdraw to pre-1967 boundaries’ during his 5/19/11 speech in which he said ‘the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps’ resulting in secure borders for Israel. Fourteen subsequent whereas clauses favorably quote Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s 5/24/11 speech to a joint meeting of Congress in which he laid out his terms for peace with the Palestinians.
This resolution would state the sense of the House that the U.S. should support the creation of a Palestinian state living side by side with ‘the Jewish State of Israel, the home of the Jewish people.’ The House would further commend Netanyahu for his efforts to achieve peace, call on the Palestinian leadership to resume negotiations with Israel, and urge the Obama administration to mount a global effort to convince the Palestinians that Palestinian statehood will not achieved outside of negotiations with Israel.
More on borders and the peace process: H. Res. 270 of 5/23/11, H. Con. Res. 59 of 6/3/11, S. Con. Res. 23 of 6/10/11, H.R. 2583 of 7/19/11, and H. Res. 394 of 9/8/11