Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2012

June 16, 2011
September 15, 2011
Placed on Senate calendar

No cosponsors

Would provide $235.7 m. for Israeli missile defense systems being jointly developed by the U.S. and Israel, an increase of $129.6 m. over the $106.1 m. requested by the Obama administration. The House Committee on Appropriations stated in its report on the bill (report number 112-110) that the threat to Israel from rockets and missiles was increasing and therefore recommended the increase in funding. The Senate Committee on Appropriations also found the amount insufficient and recommended the same funding increase in its report (number 112-77). Of the total amount $110.5 m. is for the David’s Sling Short Range Ballistic Missile Defense program, including $15 m. for missile production; $66.2 m. is for the Arrow-3 high-altitude missile defense system; and $59 m. is for continuing production of Arrow-2 missiles and components as well as development of a new missile detection system. Authority is given to transfer the funds provided here for production of missiles and components to other instead be used to procure other weapons and equipment.

The Senate Committee on Appropriations also encouraged the Dept. of Defense to continue supporting university programs that promote conferences and task forces on arms control, regional security, and related issues for Arab and Israeli officials and experts.

One relevant amendment was passed and became part of the bill:

H. Amdt. 558, introduced on 7/7/11 by Paul Gosar (R-AZ), no cosponsors

Prohibits any funds provided by this bill to be used for assistance to Iran, Hamas, Hizballah, or the Muslim Brotherhood. This amendment was passed by voice vote on 7/7/11 and became part of the bill.

Three other amendments were introduced but did not pass:

H. Amdt. 14, submitted by Howard Berman (D-CA) on 6/16/11, no cosponsors

Similar to H.R. 2215 of 6/16/11, this amendment would prohibit any funds provided by this bill from being used for assistance to a Hizballah-dependent government in Lebanon. A Hizballah-dependent government is defined as any coalition government in which Hizballah is the majority element, ‘the architect or primary forger’ of the coalition, or in which the coalition depends on Hizballah from outside that government for its parliamentary majority. The secy. of defense can waive this prohibition if he certifies to Congress in writing that it is in the vital national security interests of the U.S. to do so and provides a report justifying the waiver and its potential impact on U.S. regional interests. This amendment was not considered by the House.

H. Amdt. 515, introduced on 7/6/11 by Paul Broun (R-GA), no cosponsors

Would increase funding for research and development of Israeli missile defense programs conducted by the U.S. and Israel by $9.14 m. and reduce funding provided to the Navy to conduct research and development with NATO by the same amount. The amendment was defeated by voice vote on 7/6/11.

H. Amdt. 517, introduced on 7/6/11 by Paul Broun (R-GA), no cosponsors

Would increase funding for research and development of Israeli missile defense programs conducted by the U.S. and Israel by $4.4 m. and reduce funding provided to the Air Force to conduct research and development with NATO by the same amount. The amendment was defeated by voice vote on 7/6/11.

See also: H.R.2055 of 5/31/11 and H.R. 3671 of 12/14/11 on FY 2012 defense appropriations.

Passed in House 336 – 87 on 7/8/11.

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