Egypt Accountability and Democracy Promotion Act

January 25, 2013
January 25, 2013
Referred to House (sub)committee

Under this bill, for any aid to be disbursed to Egypt, the secretary of state would have to certify the following conditions every 6 months: (1) that no foreign terrorist organization, or its affiliates, is in control of the Egyptian government or serving in a policy-making position; (2) that Egypt is adhering to its 1979 peace treaty with Israel; (3) Egypt’s implementation of legal reforms to protect its citizens’ human rights; (4) that demonstrable steps are taken to destroy the smuggling networks in the Sinai.

The bill would also require regular follow-up reporting to Congress on Egypt’s continued performance in these areas and recertification from the secretary of state every 6 months.

20 cosponsors (20R).

Last major action: 1/25/13 referred to House Cmte. on Foreign Affairs.

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