Introduced a week after the U.S. and Israel announced a new $38-b., 10-year military aid agreement (see Update on Conflict and Diplomacy in JPS 46 [2]), this bill would appropriate $1.5 b. in supplemental military aid to Israel: $750 m. for Israel to “address security threats from Iran,” to remain available until 9/30/17; $700 m. for Israel to procure missile defense systems to be used to defend against threats from Iran, to remain available until 9/30/18; and $50 m. for research, development, and evaluation of such missile defense systems, to remain available until 9/30/17. These appropriations are in addition to the nearly $3.6 b. in military aid disbursed to Israel in FY 2016.
The bill would also extend the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 through 2031.
6 cosponsors (6R).
Last major action: 9/20/16 referred to Senate Comm. on Appropriations.