This bill would have appropriated funding to all U.S. government activities related to energy and water development in FY 2016. Its provisions were largely unrelated to Palestinian affairs and the wider Arab-Israeli conflict, except for a recommendation made in the Senate Appropriation Comm.’s report accompanying the bill as well as 3 relevant amendments, which were discussed during the House’s consideration. In the Senate report, lawmakers recommended that $2 m. of the bill’s appropriations be used to fund the Israel-U.S. Binational Research and Development Foundation (BIRD), which facilitates cooperation between U.S. and Israeli technology companies. The 3 relevant amendments are summarized below.
H.A. 166, submitted by Doug Lamborn (R-CO) on 4/29/15, no cosponsors.
Aiming to enhance joint technological projects, this amendment would have increased the total funding for the U.S.-Israel Energy Cooperation Program from $2 m. to $4 m. It was agreed to by voice vote on 4/29.
H.A. 186, submitted by Brian Babin (R-TX) on 4/30/15, no cosponsors.
This amendment would have prohibited the use of any appropriations made in the bill to be used for new contracts or other agreements giving assistance to Iran, except for those requiring Iran to ‘cease the pursuit, acquisition, and development of nuclear weapons technology.’ It was agreed to by voice vote on 4/30.
H.A. 187, submitted by Brian Babin (R-TX) on 4/30/15, no cosponsors.
Similar to H.A. 186 above, this amendment would have prohibited any funds from being used for new contracts or other agreements giving assistance to Iran except for those allowing IAEA inspections on Iranian civil and military sites. It was designed to legislate conditions on the P5+1’s ongoing negotiations with Iran. On 4/30, this amendment was ruled out of order and not considered.
Last major action: 5/1/15 passed in House, 240–177.