No cosponsors
ESF: Provides Israel with $480m, in cash, available in full in 30 days. Separate from that amount, up to $5m may be made available for the Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies in Tel Aviv, Israel, and up to $5 may be made available for the Center for Human Dignity Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem, Israel.
MRA: Provides $50m for Israel to resettle refugees from the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere.
Allows MRA funds to be used for a headquarters contribution to the International Committee of the Red Cross only if the Secretary of State determines that the Magen David Adom Society of Israel is not being denied participation in the activities of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
NADR: Allows NADR funds to be used for the International Atomic Energy Agency only if the Secretary of State determines that Israel is not being denied its right to participate in the activities of that Agency.
FMF: Provides $2.16b in grants to be delivered in 30 days in full and in cash. Funds in this account are available for the purchase of advanced weapons systems from the U.S. and of this amount, $568m can be used for procurement, research, and testing in Israel of defense related articles.
Annual Report on International Religious Freedom to Include Information on Anti-Semitism and Other Religious Tolerance: The annual report will include a section describing acts of violence against people of the Jewish faith and others that occurred in that country; the response of the government of that country; actions of that government to enforce laws that protect people of the Jewish faith. This was submitted as S. Amdt. 2002 by George Voinovich (R-OH) and adopted (10/28/03 by unanimous consent).
Arab League boycott of Israel: Contains the annual section on Congress’ disapproval of the Arab League boycott, calling for its termination, and aiming at the normalization of relations between Arab League countries and Israel. It also encourages U.S. allies to discourage companies in their countries from “complying with the boycott and penalizing businesses that do comply.”
Limitation on Assistance to the PA: Contains the annual provision that prohibits U.S. assistance to the PA except in the case of a presidential waiver that can last no longer than 6 months.
Restrictions Concerning the PA: Contains the annual section that prohibits funds from being expended to construct any buildings in Jerusalem where official U.S. business will be conducted with the PA or any successor entity. Funds may be spent to expand the Jerusalem consulate, however. Encourages official U.S. business with the PA or successor entities to be conducted outside of Jerusalem.
Palestinian Statehood: Contains an annual provision prohibiting funds to support a Palestinian state unless the Secretary of State certifies the following five points of criteria: a new leadership has been elected through justifiably democratic means and that “has not supported acts of terror;” the elected leadership of a Palestinian state: demonstrates peaceful coexistence with Israel; fights “terrorism” and its financing and dismantles “terrorist infrastructures;” established security forces that cooperate fully with Israeli security forces; enacts a constitution that guarantees the rule of law “and other reforms.” The prohibition on assistance can be waived when assistance for reform efforts are in question and it grants a presidential waiver to the entire section.
Commercial leasing of defense articles: provides for commercial leasing of military equipment to Israel (among others) and includes Israel (among others) in the category of NATO for purposes of the Arms Export Control Act of 1976.
ESF for Palestine: Provides $1m to further legal reforms in the West Bank and Gaza, including judicial training on commercial disputes and ethics.
Limitation on Assistance for the PLO for the WB and Gaza: Prohibits funds for the PLO in the WB and