1 cosponsor
Jerusalem: Title II: Department of State Authorities and Activities - Subtitle A: Basic Authorities and Activities, Sec. 214: “Declares that Congress maintains its commitment to relocating the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and urges the President to begin the process of relocating it there.” Contains the provisions on Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the limitations on the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem unless it is under the authority of the U.S. ambassador to Israel.
Israel’s diplomatic relations: Sec. 215: Directs the Secretary of State to report annually to specified congressional committees on U.S. efforts to promote Israel's diplomatic relations with the 30 countries that do not have those relations. States that “after more than 50 years of existence, Israel deserves to be treated as an equal nation by its neighbors and the world community.”
Middle East Peace Commitments Act, 2001: Title VI: Miscellaneous Provisions, Subtitle A: Contains the provisions of H.R. 1795 on 5/10/01 and S. 1409 on 9/6/01. Note: The Middle East Peace Facilitation Act, whose provisions are similar to the Middle East Peace Commitments Act, was passed as Title VI of the Foreign Relations Appropriations Bill (Public Law 104-107) in 1996.
Magen David Adom Society: States that the ICRC should grant full and immediate membership to this society and the U.S. should push for that goal.
Prohibition on arms transfers to persons/entities in the WB and Gaza: Subtitle G, Sec. 699: Declares that no U.S. assistance, or sales of defense articles or defense services, may be made to a foreign person or entity that has been determined to have knowingly transferred proscribed weapons (weapons or ammunition) to Palestinian entities in the West Bank or Gaza.
Economic Support Funds: Title XII: Military and Related Assistance, Subtitle A: Foreign Military Sales and Financing Authorities: authorizes ESF funds for Israel at a ceiling of $535m for FY2002 and $550m for FY2003. It also earmarks an additional $200m for Israel for defensive, nonlethal, antiterrorism assistance.
Additions to the U.S. war reserve stockpiles for allies: Limits U.S. military stockpiles in Israel for FY2003 to $100m.
Educational and Public Diplomacy Programs: Israel-Arab Peace Partners Program: Of $125m authorized for certain educational or public diplomacy programs, $750,000 for the fiscal year 2003 is authorized to be available for people-to-people activities (with a focus on young people) to support the Middle East peace process involving participants from Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Arab countries, and the United States, to be known as the `Israel-Arab Peace Partners Program'.
MRA: Authorizes $60m for resettling refugees from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in Israel.
Condemning Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s remarks on Israel: House amendment 36, Rep. Henry Hyde (D-NV): en bloc amendments printed in H. Rept. 107-62: No. 17, condemning Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for his inflammatory remarks on March 27 and May 5, 2001. 5/16/01 passed in House by voice vote.
State Dept. travel warnings: House amendment 38, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA): requests the Secretary of State to review the travel warning for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza to determine which areas present the highest threat to American citizens in the region and which areas may be visited safely. The amendment was passed 5/16/01 in the House by voice vote.
No military assistance to Lebanon except under certain conditions: House amendment 39, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA): prohibits international military education and training funding to Lebanon unless the President certifies that the Lebanese armed forces have been deployed to the internationally recognized border between Lebanon and Israel and that the Lebanese government effectively secures the borders where the armed forces are deployed. 5/16/01 Passed in the House 216-210.
See also: companion measure S. 14