Jerusalem: Prohibits expenditures to U.S. consulates or diplomatic offices in Jerusalem that are not under the supervision of the ambassador to Israel and for U.S. publications that do not list Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Promoting Israel’s diplomatic relations: Extends the requirement contained in the FY2003 Foreign Relations Authorization Act (PL 107-288) that mandates a report on U.S. efforts to promote Israel’s full diplomatic relations with other countries and the world diplomatic community.
U.S. policy on Palestinian state: States U.S. policy on the establishment of a Palestinian state that affirms President George W. Bush’s 4/24/02 speech calling for the election of a new Palestinian leadership that: “is not compromised by terrorism;” demonstrates a commitment to peaceful coexistence with Israel and ends incitement against Israel; works to dismantle the “terrorist infrastructure” under its jurisdiction, collects weapons, and establishes a new security apparatus that will cooperate fully with Israeli security services.
MRA: Authorized $50m for Israel to resettle refugees in Israel from the former Soviet Union.
See also: companion measure H.R. 1950 on 5/5/03; similar measure H.R. 2800 on 7/21/03, and H.R. 2673 on 7/9/03, the appropriations measure that passed in Congress.
Returned to Senate calendar 11/11/03.