24 cosponsors
“To require a report on acts of anti-Semitism around the world.” “Acts of anti-Semitism in countries throughout the world, including some of the world's strongest democracies, have increased significantly in frequency and scope over the last several years.” “Anti-Semitism has at times taken the form of vilification of Zionism, the Jewish national movement, and incitement against Israel.” Requires the Secy. of state to submit a one-time report to Congressional committees on anti-Semitic activity around the world that include the events; the responses of the respective government, including measures taken to enforce laws that ensure freedom of religion for the Jewish people; efforts of each government to promote anti-bias education; media that propagate, promote, or justify acts of racial hatred against Jewish people.
Seeks to establish the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism in the Dept. of State, which will be run by a special envoy for monitoring and combating anti-Semitism on appointment by the secy. of state. The envoy’s work will be included in the annual Dept. of State human rights report for every country around the globe.
See also: companion measure H.R. 4214 on 4/22/04.
Became public law 108-332 (5/7/04 passed in Senate with amendments by unanimous consent; 10/8/04 passed in House with amendments by unanimous consent; 10/10/04 Senate agreed to House amendments).