This annual must-pass bill authorizes all intelligence-related activities. The 2 provisions relevant to Palestinian affairs and the wider Arab-Israeli conflict were added in amendments offered during the House’s consideration of the text in 6/2015.
H.A. 508, submitted by Steve Israel (D-NY) on 6/16, no cosponsors.
Under this amendment, the director of national intelligence would be required to designate an official responsible for managing the collection of intelligence relating to ‘the tactical use of tunnels by state and non-state actors.’ The director would also be required to submit a report to Congress within 10 months and biennially thereafter on tunnel usage trends and collaborative efforts undertaken by the U.S. and its allies to address such developments. While the text of this amendment made no explicit mention of the areas relevant to this Monitor, Rep. Israel and other supporters frequently cited the Gaza tunnels in debates surrounding the measure. It was adopted by voice vote on 6/16.
H.A. 519, submitted by Joseph Crowley (D-NY) on 6/16, no cosponsors.
This amendment would have required the director of national intelligence to submit a report to Congress on the possibilities for developing national security cooperation between India, the U.S., and Israel. It was adopted by voice vote on 6/16.