Iron Dome Support Act

March 21, 2012
March 21, 2012
Referred to House (sub)committee

Finding that Israel remains under grave threat from rockets fired from Gaza and Lebanon, this bill authorizes the president to expand assistance for the Iron Dome missile defense system upon request from Israel.

It also finds that the Iron Dome missile defense system has a 90% success rate intercepting rockets from Gaza, and that it has averted mass Israeli casualties and eliminated the need to conduct a ground incursion into Gaza during cross-border violence.

The first piece of legislation introducing U.S. funding of the Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system was H.R. 5327, United States-Israel Rocket and Missile Defense Cooperation and Support Act of 5/18/2010.

This measure was introduced 3 days after Israeli amb. to the U.S. Michael Oren wrote in Politico asking for additional U.S. funding for 10 more Iron Dome batteries to protect Israel from short-range rocket attacks. Oren’s op-ed followed several days of intense exchanges of rocket fire from Gaza and Israeli air strikes. He argued that the missile defense system was essential to Israel’s security and helped prevent another conflict in Gaza.

109 cosponsors (61D, 48R)

See also: companion measure S. 2325 of 4/19/12.

Last major action: 3/21/12 referred to House Cmte. on Foreign Affairs.


Gary Ackerman(D-)Robert Andrews(D-NJ)Joe Baca(D-CA)Michele Marie Bachmann(R-MN)Rick Berg(R-ND)Shelly Berkley(D-NV)Gus Bilirakis(R-FL)Suzanne Bonamici(D-OR)Leonard Boswell(D-IA)Bruce Braley(D-IA)Corrine Brown(D-FL)Ann Marie Buerkle(R-NY)Francisco Canseco(R-TX)Russ Carnahan(D-MO)Steve Chabot(R-OH)David Cicilline(D-RI)Hansen Clarke(D-MI)Gerry Connolly(D-VA)Jim Costa(D-CA)Chip Cravaack(R-MN)Mark S. Critz(D-PA)Joseph Crowley(D-)John Culberson(R-TX)Ted Deutch(D-FL)John Dingell(D-MI)Robert Dold(R-IL)Keith Ellison(D-MN)Eliot Engel(D-)Anna Eshoo(D-CA)Eni Faleomavaega(D-AS)Bob Filner(D-CA)Steven Fincher(R-TN)Randy Forbes(R-VA)Trent Franks(R-AZ)Marcia Fudge(D-OH)Sam Graves(R -MO)Gene Green(D-TX)Morgan Griffith(R-VA)Michael Grimm(R-NY)Luis Gutierrez(D-IL)Janice Hahn(D-CA)Andy Harris(R-MD)Vicky Hartzler(R-MO)Alcee Hastings(D-FL)Martin Heinrich(D-NM)Brian Higgins(D-)Rush Holt(D-NJ)Randy Hultgren(R-IL)Steve Israel(D-)Jesse Jackson Jr(D-IL)Bill Johnson(R-OH)Marcy Kaptur(D-OH)William Keating(D-MA)Pete King(R-)John Kline(R-MN)Douglas Lamborn(R-CO)Leonard Lance(R-NJ)Sander Levin(D-MI)Nita Lowey(D-)Carolyn Maloney(D-)Tom Marino(R-PA)Doris Matsui(D-CA)Carolyn McCarthy(D-)Michael McCaul(R-TX)Thaddeus McCotter(R-MI)Jim McDermott(D-WA)James McGovern(D-MA)Howard McKeon(R-CA)Jeff Miller(R-FL)Tim Murphy(R-PA)Chris Murphy(D-CT)Jerrold Nadler(D-NY)Pete Olson(R-TX)Frank Pallone Jr(D-NJ)Bill Pascrell Jr(D-NJ)Erik Paulsen(R-MN)Steve Pearce(R-NM)Gary Peters(D-MI)Pedro Pierluisi(D-PR)Joe Pitts(R-PA)Todd Platts(R-PA)Tom Price(R-GA)Charles Rangel(D-)Laura Richardson(D-CA)David Rivera(R-FL)David "Phil" Roe(R-TN)Mike D Rogers(R-AL)Ileana Ros-Lehtinen(R-FL)Peter Roskam(R-IL)Steve Rothman(D-NJ)Dutch Ruppersberger(D-MD)Tim Ryan(D-OH)Jan Schakowsky(D-IL)Adam Schiff(D-CA)Jean Schmidt(R-OH)Aaron Schock(R-IL)Allyson Schwartz(D-PA)Albio Sires(D-NJ)Adam Smith(D-WA)Lamar Smith(R-TX)Chris Smith(R-NJ)Patrick Tiberi(R-OH)Paul Tonko(D-NY)Robert L. Turner(R-NY)Chris Van Hollen(D-MD)Greg Walden(R -OR)Debbie Wasserman-Shultz(D-FL)Henry Waxman(D-CA)Don Young(R-AK)

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