Justice for Former American Hostages in Iran Act of 2015

July 29, 2015
September 8, 2015
Referred to House (sub)committee

Like the similar Senate measure (see S. 868 of 3/26/15), this bill would establish a U.S. Treasury fund to support U.S. citizens who were held hostage in Iran between 1979 and 1981. It would also deposit into the fund 30% of any fines imposed on persons found to be violating sanctions on Iran, but the payout structure would be slightly different, and identical to the one outlined by the similar provision in S. 1635 of 6/18/15.

82 cosponsors (52R, 30D).

Last major action: 9/8/15 referred to Subcomm. on the Constitution and Civil Justice.


Richard W. Allen(R-GA)Mark E. Amodei(R-NV)Brad Ashford(D-NE)Louis Barletta(R-PA)Daniel Benishek(R-MI)Ami Bera(D-CA)Don Beyer(D-VA)Sanford Jr Bishop(D-GA)Rod Blum(R-IA)Brendan Boyle(D-PA)Robert Brady(D-PA)Julia Brownley(D-CA)Buddy Carter(R-GA)James Clyburn(D-SC)Tom Cole(R-OK)Barbara Comstock(R-VA)Gerry Connolly(D-VA)Rodney Davis(R-IL)Ron DeSantis(R-FL)Susan DelBene(D-WA)Daniel Donovan(R-NY)Tammy Duckworth(D-IL)Elizabeth Esty(D-CT)Chris Gibson(R-NY)Morgan Griffith(R-VA)Glenn S. Grothman(R-WI)Brett Guthrie(R-)Richard Hanna(R-NY)Jeb Hensarling(R-TX)Jody B. Hice(R-GA)French Hill(R-AR)Will Hurd(R-TX)Steve Israel(D-)Sheila Jackson-Lee(D-TX)Lynn Jenkins(R-KS)Derek Kilmer(D-WA)Pete King(R-)Adam Kinzinger(R-IL)Ann Kirkpatrick(D-AZ)John Kline(R-MN)Steve Knight(R-CA)Ann M. Kuster(D-NH)John Lewis(D-GA)Frank Lobiondo(R-NJ)Zoe Lofgren(D-CA)Blaine Luetkemeyer(R-MO)Carolyn Maloney(D-)Sean Patrick Maloney(D-NY)Michael McCaul(R-TX)Patrick Meehan(R-PA)Mick Mulvaney(R-SC)Grace Napolitano(D-CA)Eleanor Holmes Norton(D-DC)Richard Nugent(R-FL)Erik Paulsen(R-MN)Scott Perry(R-PA)Scott Peters(D-CA)Chellie Pingree(D-ME)Ted Poe(R-TX)Bruce Poliquin(R-ME)Tom Price(R-GA)Kathleen Rice(D-NY)Todd Rokita(R-IN)Ileana Ros-Lehtinen(R-FL)Dennis Ross(R-FL)Keith Rothfus(R-PA)David Rouzer(R-NC)James Jr Sensenbrenner(R-WI)Brad Sherman(D-CA)Louise McIntosh Slaughter(D-)Adam Smith(D-WA)Chris Van Hollen(D-MD)Ann Wagner(R-MO)Randy K. Weber(R-TX)Peter Welch(D-VT)Lynn Westmoreland(R-GA)Roger Williams(R-TX)Joe Wilson(R-SC)Robert Wittman(R-VA)Kevin Yoder(R-KS)David Young(R-IA)Don Young(R-AK)

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For more information, Click Here to visit this measure’s page at congress.gov.

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