42 cosponsors
Would prohibit U.S. assistance to the Palestinian Authority unless the secy. of state certifies to Congress that the PA:
1. Does not manipulate elections held in the territory it controls.
2. Is advancing democratic ideals by promoting human rights and ending government corruption.
3. Regularly and strongly condemns terrorism.
4. Is taking tangible steps to disavow terrorism, dismantle terrorist infrastructures, arrest terrorists, and end incitement to violence in the Palestinian media, education system, mosques, and other institutions.
5. Has ceased participation in any economic, cultural, or educational boycott of Israel.
6. Is working with Israel to implement the Roadmap.
Recognizes Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state and conducts diplomatic relations with Israel in the same manner it does with any other state.
7. Has excluded Hamas from participating in any unity government or has required it to comply with the above conditions.
8. Similar bills seeking to restrict funding for the PA included a provision authorizing the president to waive the restrictions if he deemed it in the national security interest of the U.S. to do so, however this bill specifically states that the restrictions cannot be waived for any reason.
9. Additionally, this bill would prohibit U.S. funding for the UN if it recognizes a Palestinian state, unless the PA has met the above conditions. Funding for UNRWA would also be prohibited unless UNRWA itself meets conditions 1-3, 5, and 7, its budget is audited by a U.S. NGO or private organization, and the secy. of state presents the results to Congress. Finally, the bill would prohibit the use of the term ‘Palestine’ in any U.S. government document to refer to any territory controlled by the PA unless the above conditions are met.
10. In addition to Joe Walsh, 24 of the 31 cosponsors of this bill are either members of the Tea Party caucus or have been endorsed by Tea Party affiliated groups (as of 7/20/11).
More on:
Cutting assistance to a unity government: H.R. 1 of 2/11/11, H.R. 1473 of 4/11/11, H. Res. 244 of 5/3/11, H. Res. 268 of 5/13/11, S. 185 of 5/16/11, H.R. 2055 5/31/11, H.R. 2583 of 7/19/11 and H.R. 3671 of 12/14/11
Cutting assistance to the UN over statehood: H. Res. 297 of 6/3/11, H.R. 2261 of 6/21/11, S. Amdt. 949 to H.R. 2354 of 6/24/11, S. 1595 of 9/21/11, and S. 1860 of 11/14/11
Cutting assistance to UNRWA: H.R. 2829 of 8/30/11 and S. 1848 of 11/10/11