Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act

March 6, 2006
December 21, 2006
Became Public Law

90 cosponsors.

Bans all U.S. contact with and funds to Palestinian entities except for the office of the PA president and his security personnel. Exempted from the general prohibition on U.S.-PA contacts and U.S. assistance are those aimed at promoting the peace process, democracy, and the rule of law; also allowed are funds for the PA’s judiciary branch “and other entities.” The bill states that this policy can change if a PA ministry or agency is not controlled by Hamas, or if Hamas acknowledges Israel’s right to exist, adheres to all previous agreements, makes progress in purging those with ties to terrorism from its security forces, promotes democracy and financial transparency, cooperates with Israel’s security services, ends anti-Israel incitement, and dismantles all “terrorist infrastructure.” If the U.S. president cannot certify that all these conditions are met, PA territory will be labeled a “terrorist sanctuary.” The bill also forbids PA members to travel beyond 25 miles from the UN mission in New York, exceptions being made for the president of the PA “and his or her personal representatives, provided that the President and his or her personal representatives are not affiliated with Hamas or any other foreign terrorist organization.” Maintenance of PA offices in the U.S. is forbidden unless the president determines it is within the national security interests of the U.S. Finally, the bill establishes a fund called the “Israeli-Palestinian Peace, Reconciliation and Democracy Fund” with an annual budget of $20 m. to be made available to Palestinian and Israeli organizations to promote human rights, democracy, freedom of the press, nonviolence among Palestinians, and peaceful coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis.

Related measures: H. R. 4668 on 1/31/06; H. R. 4681 on 2/1/06; S. 2237 on 2/1/06.

Became Public Law No. 109–446 (12/7/06 passed in House by voice vote; 6/23/06 passed in Senate by unanimous consent).


Daniel Akaka(D-HI)Lamar Alexander(R-TN)Wayne Allard(R-CO)George Allen(R-VA)Max Baucus(D -MT)Evan Bayh(D-IN)Robert Bennett(R-UT)Joe Biden(D-DE)Jeff Bingaman(D -NM)Christopher Bond(R -MO)Barbara Boxer(D-CA)Sam Brownback(R-KS)Jim Bunning(R-KY)Conrad Burns(R-MT)Richard Burr(R-NC)Maria Cantwell(D-WA)Tom Carper(D-DE)Saxby Chambliss(R-GA)Hillary Clinton(D-)Tom Coburn(R-OK)Thad Cochran(R-MS)Norm Coleman(R-MN)Susan Collins(R-ME)Kent Conrad(D-ND)John Cornyn(R-TX)Larry Craig(R-ID)Mike Crapo(R-ID)Mark Dayton(D-MN)James DeMint(R-SC)Mike DeWine(R -OH)Christopher Dodd(D-CT)Elizabeth Dole(R-NC)Byron Dorgan(D-ND)Dick Durbin(D-IL)John Ensign(R-NV)Russ Feingold(D-WI)Dianne Feinstein(D-CA)Bill Frist(R-TN)Lindsey Graham(R-SC)Chuck Grassley(R -IA)Judd Gregg(R-NH)Chuck Hagel(R-NE)Tom Harkin(D-IA)Orrin Hatch(R-UT)Kay Bailey Hutchison(R-TX)James Inhofe(R-OK)Daniel Inouye(D-HI)Johnny Isakson(R-GA)Tim Johnson(D-SD)Edward Kennedy(D-MA)John Kerry(D-MA)Herb Kohl(D-WI)Jon Kyl(R-AZ)Mary Landrieu(D-LA)Frank Lautenberg(D-NJ)Carl Levin(D-MI)Joe Lieberman(I-CT)Blanche Lincoln(D-AR)Trent Lott(R-MS)Richard Lugar(R-IN)Mel Martinez(R-FL)John McCain(R-AZ)Robert Menendez(D-NJ)Barbara Mikulski(D-MD)Lisa Murkowski(R-AK)Patty Murray(D-WA)Ben Nelson(D-NE)Bill Nelson(D-FL)Barack Obama(D-IL)Mark Pryor(D-AR)Jack Reed(D-RI)Harry Reid(D-NV)Pat Roberts(R-KS)Ken Salazar(D-CO)Rick Santorum(R-PA)Paul Sarbanes(D-MD)Charles Schumer(D-)Jeff Sessions(R-AL)Richard Shelby(R-AL)Gordon Smith(R-OR)Olympia Snowe(R-ME)Arlen Specter(R-PA)Debbie Stabenow(D-MI)Ted Stevens(R-AK)James Talent(R-MO)Craig Thomas(R-WY)John Thune(R-SD)David Vitter(R-LA)George Voinovich(R-OH)Ron Wyden(D-OR)

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