Recognizing the 40th Anniversary of the Mass Movement for Soviet Jewish Freedom and the 20th Anniversary of the Freedom Sunday Rally for Soviet Jewry on the Mall in Washington, D.C.

October 18, 2007
October 30, 2007
Passed in House

59 cosponsors.

“Recognizing the 40th Anniversary of the Mass Movement for Soviet Jewish Freedom and the 20th Anniversary of the Freedom Sunday Rally for Soviet Jewry on the Mall in Washington, D.C.” Honors the mentioned movement and a demonstration held in Washington D.C. just before a Reagan-Gorbachev summit there that called for the Soviet Union to allow the emigration of those who wished to leave the country, especially Jews.

See also: companion measure S. Res. 367 on 11/6/07; related measure H. Res. 669 on 9/20/07.

Passed in House by voice vote 10/30/07.

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