Recognizing [Jewish] refugee populations in the Middle East

March 29, 2004
March 29, 2004
Referred to Senate (sub)committee

1 cosponsor.

“Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the creation of refugee populations in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Persian Gulf region as a result of human rights violations.” Resolves that any final peace agreement must address claims of Jewish and Christian refugees from Arab countries; that the Law of Administration for the State of Iraq for the Transitional Period and the forthcoming Iraqi constitution “are universally applied to all groups forced to leave Iraq” and “will rectify the historical injustices and discriminatory measures perpetrated by previous Iraqi regimes.” With respect to U.S. policy, the bills calls for the U.S. to instruct its representatives in all international fora, including the UN, that when the Middle East refugee issue arises any “relevant [resolution] refers to the fact that multiple refugee populations have been caused by the Arab-Israeli conflict”; any reference to Palestinian refugees be “matched by a similar explicit reference” to solving “the issue of Jewish refugees from Arab countries.” Finally, calls on the U.S. government to make clear that in any peace agreement it supports redress for all refugees from Arab countries and that “Jewish and Christian property, schools, and community property was lost as a result of the Arab-Israeli conflict.”

See also: identical measure H. Res. 838 on 10/7/04; similar measure H. Con. Res. 311 on 10/28/03 and clause in S. 1029 on 5/8/03.

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