A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on steps the Government of Iran must take before further bilateral negotiations between the Government of Iran and the United States Government occur.

January 6, 2014
January 6, 2014
Referred to Senate (sub)committee

Citing, inter alia, the projected $7 b. in sanctions relief to Iran as a result of the 6-month interim nuclear deal with the P5+1, this resolution would call for the Iranian government to release all detained U.S. citizens in Iran and publicly affirm Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state before the U.S. engages in any further bilateral negotiations with the country.

3 cosponsors (3R).

See also: S. Res. 252 of 9/24/13.

Last major action: 1/6/14 Referred to the Comm. on Foreign Relations.

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