SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act of 2011

March 4, 2011
May 4, 2011
Filibustered in Senate

8 cosponsors

This bill would make several amendments to the Small Business Act. While the bill itself is unrelated to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict one relevant amendment was submitted:

S. Amdt. 248 to S. 493, submitted by Susan Collins (R-ME) on 3/17/11 with no cosponsors. Would have inserted the text of an appropriations bill for the Dept. of Defense which included $415,115,000 for missile defense systems for Israel. This amendment was ordered to lie on the table on 3/17/11 and was not considered by the Senate. See H.R. 1 of 2/11/11, S. Amdt. 135 to S. 23 of 1/25/11, and H.R. 1473 of 4/11/11 for more on FY 2011 funding for Israeli missile defense systems.

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