No cosponsors
A routine emergency supplemental appropriations request. The bill did not contain anything for Israel or for Palestine but an amendment was submitted (SA 871 on 7/9/01) by Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) and withdrawn the next day, which read as follows: “In exercising the authority to provide cash transfer assistance for Israel for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, the President shall (1) ensure that the level of such assistance does not cause an adverse impact on the total level of non-military exports from the United States to Israel; and (2) enter into a side letter agreement with Israel providing for the purchase of grain in the same amount and in accordance with terms at least as favorable as the side letter agreement in effect for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000.”
Since this time, such language has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of the annual Foreign Operations and State Department Appropriations bills.