United States Foreign Assistance Partner Vetting System Act of 2009

February 13, 2009
February 13, 2009
Referred to House (sub)committee

23 cosponsors.

The findings section of this bill lists reports that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) gave funds to the “Hamas-linked Islamic University in Gaza, where Palestinian police had arrested five Iranians who were allegedly making rockets and explosives”, and gave funds to Al-Quds University, also reported to be linked to Hamas, which “held celebrations in honor of the man credited with designing and building the first suicide bomb belts.” Finds that an audit of USAID West Bank/Gaza revealed that improved vetting procedures and application of anti-terrorism regulations would prevent funds distributed by USAID from being disbursed to those affiliated with terrorist organizations. Would prohibit any organization with an employee or affiliate found to be a supporter or a member of a designated foreign terrorist organization from receiving U.S. foreign assistance. Would require the secy. of state to implement a system to collect personal information on all recipients of U.S. foreign aid, including all of those employed by or affiliated with any organization receiving U.S. funds. This information would be checked against U.S. government databases to vet those receiving aid for links to terrorist organizations.

See also: related measures H.R. 557 of 1/15/09; amendments SA 631 and SA 657 to H.R. 1105 of 2/23/09; H.R. 2475 of 5/19/09; and amendments 44 and 60 to H.R. 3081 of 6/26/09.

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