A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation should domesticate and recognize judgments issued by United States courts on behalf of United States victims of terrorism, and that the Italian Ministry o

July 14, 2016
July 14, 2016
Referred to Senate (sub)committee

This resolution was introduced in response to the Italian foreign ministry’s interference in the cases of several U.S. victims of Iran-sponsored terrorism (the cases were filed in Italy because of certain Iranian-held assets there). It called for the European Court of Human Rights to reassert the Court of Appeals of Rome’s initial judgment in favor of the U.S. citizens and order the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, Italy’s highest appeals court, to recognize U.S. judgments on this matter.

3 cosponsors (2R, 1D).

Last major action: 7/14/16 referred to Senate Comm. on Foreign Relations.

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