Countering Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel Activities at the United Nations Act of 2017

January 17, 2017
January 17, 2017
Referred to Senate (sub)committee

Designed to counter perceived anti-Israeli sentiment and anti-Semitism at the UN, this bill would institute a series of measures leveraging U.S. funding to effect change within various UN agencies and bodies. First, it would suspend all U.S. support for the UN until the president can certify that no UN agency or body grants official status or otherwise recognizes any organization that promotes or condones anti-Semitism. Second, it would suspend the portion of U.S. funding that would go to the UNHRC until the secretary of state can certify that the UNHRC no longer includes a permanent agenda item on Israel or the occupied Palestinian territories. Third, it would suspend U.S. support for UNRWA until the secretary can certify that no UNRWA employee in the West Bank or Gaza is a member of Hamas or has propagated anti-Israel or anti-Semitic material, no UNRWA facility is being used by Hamas, UNRWA is subject to “comprehensive financial audits,” and no recipient of UNRWA funds is a member of Hamas. Fourth, it would require the president to direct the U.S. special representative to the UN to lobby for all UN employees to publicly condemn anti-Semitism; to enforce existing regulations on anti-Semitism, including appropriate punishments; and to propose the establishment of mechanisms to keep UN employees and member states accountable, inter alia.

It also includes a few new oversight mechanisms. The Office of Management and Budget would be directed to submit an annual report to Congress on U.S. assistance provided to countries “actively seeking to implement” UNSC Resolution 2334. Further reports would be required on the amount of U.S. assistance received by countries that habitually vote for UN resolutions deemed to be anti-Israeli, and on all UN activities, publications, websites, textbooks, or actions deemed to be anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic.


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