No cosponsors
ESF: $580m for Israel. The Senate committee report (108-248) states that the “committee has amended the Security Assistance Act of 2000 to authorize ESF assistance to continue strong support for Israel's economic and political stability and to redress the economic impact of Israel's isolation in the volatile Middle East region. The committee recognizes that the administration continues to phase out U.S. economic assistance to Israel and encourages Israel's efforts to increase the role of the private sector, promote productive investment, reform taxes and promote more efficient use of resources. This assistance contributes to Israel's economic growth, enhances Israel's ability to repay its debt to the United States and opens new investment opportunities for U.S. investment and exports.”
FMF: Designated as the amount from the preceding year ($2.16b—see H.R. 2673 on 7/9/03, 108th Congress, first session) plus $60m. Of this amount, $580m will be available for procurement of advanced weapons systems. From Senate committee report: “amends the Security Assistance Act of 2000 to authorize the appropriation for fiscal year 2005 of FMF assistance for Israel, to require rapid disbursement of that assistance, and to increase the level of offshore procurement allowable with FMF funds made available in fiscal year 2005 for Israel.”
MRA: $50m for resettlement of refugees into Israel from the former Soviet Union
Jerusalem: Prohibits the expenditure of funds under this division for: (1) the operation of any U.S. consulate or diplomatic facility in Jerusalem that is not under the supervision of the U.S. Ambassador to Israel; and (2) the publication of any official U.S. document that lists countries, including Israel, and their capital cities unless the publication identifies Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The Senate report (108-248) states that “This section reaffirms previous congressional views on the recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital.”
Report required on U.S. attempts to promote Israel’s diplomatic relations: Amends the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003 to direct the Secretary, within 60 days after the enactment of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2005, to report to the appropriate congressional committees with respect to U.S. efforts to promote Israel's diplomatic relations with other countries.
U.S. policy regarding the recognition of a Palestinian state: Declares that Congress reiterates the President's statement that the United States will not recognize a Palestinian state until the Palestinians elect new leadership that: (1) is not compromised with terror; (2) demonstrates a firm commitment to peaceful coexistence with Israel; and (3) takes appropriate measures to counter terrorism and terrorist financing in the West Bank and Gaza.
Mogen David Adom Society: Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should continue to press for full membership for the Mogen David Adom Society in the International Red Cross Movement.
NADR: U.S. assistance in this account can be used to support the International Atomic Energy Agency only if Israel is not being denied its right to participate in the activities of the IAEA.
Weapons surplus stockpiles in Israel (sec. 2208): Provides the President authority to transfer certain obsolete or surplus defense items to Israel, in exchange for concessions of equivalent value to be negotiated by the Secretary of Defense with the concurrence of the Secretary of State. These items are armor, artillery, automatic weapons ammunition, missiles, and other munitions that are obsolete or surplus items; are in the inventory of the Department of Defense; are intended for use as reserve stocks for Israel; and as of the date of enactment of this Act, are located in a stockpile in Israel. Compensation could be in the form of cash, services, waiver of charges otherwise payable by the U.S., and other items of value. Requires advance con