Expressing the unequivocal support of the House of Representatives for Israel's right to self defense in the face of an imminent nuclear or military threat from Syria

September 24, 2007
September 24, 2007
Referred to House (sub)committee

14 cosponsors.

Asserting Syria’s possession of weapons of mass destruction that pose “an imminent threat to the United States, Israel, and United States allies in the Middle East” the resolution:

(1) expresses its unequivocal support for Israel's right to self defense in the face of an imminent nuclear or military threat from Syria;

(2) reaffirms America's unbreakable bond with Israel and pledges . . . to ensure that Israel continues to receive critical military and economic assistance;

(3) condemns the Government of Syria for its continued support of terrorism and its illicit chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons activities, including close cooperation with the Government of North Korea;

(4) condemns the Government of North Korea for providing Syria with technology, expertise, and materials to develop nuclear weapons;

(5) condemns Syria and Iran for continuing to provide military, logistical, and political support to Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorist groups;

(6) urges President George W. Bush to condemn the Government of North Korea for providing Syria with nuclear technology and expertise and to reexamine diplomatic discussions with North Korean officials in light of nuclear cooperation between Damascus and Pyongyang; and

(7) urges President Bush . . .to strengthen sanctions on Syria.

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