Israeli-Palestinian Peace Enhancement Act, 2003

November 24, 2003
November 24, 2003
Referred to Senate (sub)committee

13 cosponsors.

Seeks to encourage the emergence of a Palestinian leadership that conforms to U.S. President George W. Bush’s speech of 6/24/02; and express the willingness of the U.S. to provide substantial assistance to a “peaceful, democratic Palestinian state” that makes peace with Israel.
Finds that Israel’s security is a “major and enduring” national security interest of the U.S.; peace can only take root in the absence of violence and terrorism; Palestinian leadership is serves its own interests, not that of the people; the U.S. supports a two-state solution; any Palestinian state must be “reformed, peaceful, and democratic that abandons forever the use of terror;” and Israel is ready to make “painful concessions” for peace when there is a Palestinian partner.
Expresses the sense of the Senate that peace is not possible until the PA undertakes U.S. demanded reforms; the U.S. should work vigorously for a two-state solution with states that are “free from threats or acts of force”; the U.S. “has a vital national security interest in the permanent, comprehensive, and just resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, particularly the Palestinian-Israeli conflict” based on UN Res. 224 and 338.
Introduces an amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 concerning a Limitation on Assistance to a Palestinian State (Sec. 620K) It allows for direct U.S. assistance only when a presidential waiver is in effect, which is conditioned on three conditions and 13 subconditions. The conditions themselves are 1) a Palestinian state exists and has been recognized by the U.S. and Israel and has been admitted to the UN, 2) a binding international peace agreement exists between Israel and the Palestinian state with five subconditions on the agreement, and 3) a new Palestinian government (with eight subconditions that ensure conformity to U.S. demands and protect Israel.
Authorizes the president to provide assistance to a Palestinian state for the following activities: “to substantially improve the economy and living conditions of the Palestinians by, among other things, providing for economic development in the West Bank and Gaza, continuing to promote democracy and the rule of law, developing water resources, assisting in security cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians, and helping with the compensation and rehabilitation of Palestinian refugees.”
The bill also seeks to coordinate donor countries and implementation of their financial commitments to a Palestinian state.

See also: similar measure S. 1029 on 5/8/03.

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