Title VII: Miscellaneous Provisions - Subtitle A contains H.R. 1795, Middle East Peace Commitments Act of 2001. Note: The Middle East Peace Facilitation Act, whose provisions are similar to the Middle East Peace Commitments Act, was passed as Title VI of the Foreign Relations Appropriations Bill (Public Law 104-107) in 1996.
Transfer of Proscribed Weapons to Persons or Entities in the West Bank and Gaza:
Forbids any U.S. assistance being directed towards anyone who has transferred certain weapons to the WB or Gaza during a period of two years after which notification is served to said entity by the U.S. that the weapons transfer took place. The prohibition will last 2 years from its start. Proscribed weapons mean “arms, ammunition, and equipment the transfer of which is not in compliance with the Agreement on the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area of May 4, 1994, its annexes, or subsequent agreements between Israel and the PLO, or Palestinian Authority.”
MRA: $60m for Israel to resettle immigrants from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe..
Jerusalem: Contains provisions that: encourage implementation of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 that mandates the U.S. embassy in Israel move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; forbid outlays for any U.S. consulate or diplomatic facility in Jerusalem unless it is under the supervision of the U.S. ambassador; forbid outlays for any U.S. document that does not list Jerusalem as the capital of Israel; and allows, for purposes of registration of birth or nationality, if a citizen was born in Jerusalem to list the country as Israel (same as S. 1215 on 7/20/01).
Finally, the bill contains a clause that “expresses the sense of Congress with respect to urging the return of portraits painted by Dina Babbitt during her internment at Auschwitz that are now in the possession of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.” This opinion corresponds to H. Con. Res. 118 on 5/1/01 and S. Con. Res. 49 on 6/14/01.
See also: companion measure H.R. 1646 on 4/27/01; Middle East Peace Commitments Act, H.R. 1795 on 5/10/01 and S. 1409 on 9/6/01; related measure H.R. 1087 on 3/15/01.
Placed on Senate calendar 9/4/01. Note: H.R. 1646 was passed instead.