40 cosponsors.
“To require the imposition of sanctions with respect to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) or the Palestinian Authority if the President determines that these entities have not complied with certain commitments made by the entities, and for other purposes.” The commitments referred to are an exchange of letters between the PLO and the PM of Israel in 1993 (whereby the PLO would renounce terrorism, recognize Israel, and enter negotiations), Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements of 1993, the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip of 1995, and the Wye River Memorandum of 1998. The sanctions proposed in this legislation are: 1) denial of visas to PLO/PA personnel; 2) downgrade the PLO mission office in DC to an information office only, as existed prior to the Oslo Accords; 3) designation of the PLO or members of that body (Fatah, Tanzim, Force 17 are listed) as terrorists organizations; and 4) prohibition on U.S. assistance to the WB and Gaza except for humanitarian assistance. The sanctions are to last for approximately six months. Finally, a presidential waiver for such sanctions is granted.
See also: companion measure H.R. 1795 on 5/10/01; similar measure S. 1401 on 9/4/01; related measure H.R. 1087 on 3/15/01.