Provides emergency supplemental appropriations for the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Does not appropriate funds for Israel but “expresses the sense of Congress that the removal of the Government of Iraq under Saddam Hussein enhanced the security of Israel and other U.S. allies.” In the companion measure (H.R. 3289 on 10/14/03) that was passed instead, this section expressing the sense of Congress was removed in conference. The conference report (108-337 on 10/30/03) to H.R. 3289 states that “the conference agreement does not include language from the Senate bill [S. 1689] expressing the sense of Congress on certain matters. The managers endorse the intent of this language,” which includes “the removal of the Government of Iraq under Saddam Hussein enhanced the security of Israel and other United States allies.”
Passed in Senate 10/17/03 87-12 but was “vitiated” or “unpassed” the same day when the bill was added to H.R. 3289 as an amendment.